今日看到了CT應用在Mummified Monk的研究,讓我回想起曾經短暫待過故宮博物院的研究,說是研究也不算是,主要是協助建立起國內第一台古文物研究用的3D-CT,當時主要都是在進行X-Ray CMOS的資料截取與重建(有點類似咬文嚼字的“逆向工程”),還有將測量平台/X-Ray radiator/ CMOS的整合)。
It’s not surprising that Southeast Asia is home to countless ancient Buddha statues, but when one of those statues contains a mummified monk, that iscertainly a surprise.
A mummified monk is exactly what researchers at the Netherland’s Meander Medical Center found when they placed a 1,000-year-old Chinese Buddha statue inside a CT scanner. Researchers believe the statue contains the body of a Buddhist master named Liuquan, who may have practiced the tradition of “self-mummification” to reach his final resting place.