目前有所謂的數位微流體(Digital Microfluid),可以“一格”、”一格“的將液體移動,有點像是馬賽克般的切分液體,用的就是電極產生親疏水性表面而將液體捕捉起來。
今年的Sensors in Medicine, 2017有新的技術叫做晶片電極閘門,因為並不是像傳統的閥門般的巨大,而是直接在晶片內完成。以下是轉貼自LinkedIn的文章
Keynote address: Stop-and-go control of liquid flow in microfluidics for flexible applications in mobile healthcare diagnostics
Dr. Yulieth Arango, IBM Research Zurich, will describe IBM's electrogate microfluidic technology on October 4th at Sensors in Medicine 2017 in London. She will describe how to control the flow of liquids in a capillary-driven microfluidic chip using electrical actuation of gate units that are placed at key locations of the flow path. These “electrogates” can stop a liquid in a microchannel and let it go upon a low voltage bias and with sub-second activation time.
小記:在毛細管境內直接以電擊方式控制液體是否傳輸,這可以突破以前在Lab on Chip上面需要多方管道控制的限制,以往都還需要外接閥門、幫浦等,我覺得算是另外一種的突破。原先MEMS是有想要直接在晶片上做出幫浦、多向閥門等,但都有其機械限制(約五年前的資訊,不知道五年後是否已經有突破?)